The Dirt
Spring Cleaning Is Here
Open those windows and let the sun shine in! But be careful where those rays go because they could fade some of the more integral parts of your home environment.
Home Furnishings
Whether your home furnishings are custom-made or off the- shelf, all need a thorough cleaning from time to time to extend their useful life.
Care Labels
The Care Label Rule allows for the use of the American Care Symbol System. The symbols may appear along with or in place of written care instructions.
Leather & Suede
Leather looks good and you look good wearing it. To keep it that way, CLEAN IT EVERY YEAR. Our leather specialist knows how to best clean and restore your leather garment.
Silk for her or him
Silk garments are no longer limited to high-end designer labels or neckties. Everyday silk casual wear for men and women is very popular. We know because we clean a lot of silk garments.
Wedding Gowns
Your wedding gown is one of your most precious possessions. It is a symbol of an important event in your life and, as such, should be treated with special care.
Fact & Fiction
Our business depends upon keeping your clothing looking its best. Yet misinformation continually creeps into media reports. Here are the facts regarding the most frequent areas of misinformation.
Color Loss
Not all colored fabrics are created equally. Although color performance has improved with modern technology, failures may still occur. Here are some things that we have to be aware of.
Who is Responsible?
Whether it’s a previously unseen spot, a color change, or a broken button, imperfect results represent a problem that must be addressed. Sometimes damage that occurs during the cleaning process may reflect a manufacturer’s defect